An untraditional family owned company

We are proud of our local knowledge and our wide contact network all over the world. We supply the biggest chains and single customers in Norway and Scandinavia. Our speciality is distribution, training, and follow up in stores on known brands, particularly within small domestic appliances.

A Scandinavian company

Our main office and warehouse is localized 30 minutes outside Bergen, the second largest city in Norway. Through our own offices and cooperating partners, we have follow up in the entire Scandinavian region.


The area where we are located is known for values such as:

  • Austerity
  • Industrious
  • Respect for Cooperation
  • Willingness to wager
  • Internationally oriented
  • Trade

Our Swedish office lies in Helsingborg, which is one of the oldest cities in Scandinavia with roots back to the Viking age. Helsingborg is also known as one of the friendliest cities in Sweden, so it is a good place for an office.

Hva kan vi bidra med?

Riktig sortiment

Gjennomgang av avtalt og anbefalt sortiment. Vi følger opp avtalt sortiment som er gjort med kjeden, eller iht. vårt eget årshjul.


Net El-torget bidrar med kunnskap, og den selgende historien rundt produktet.

Det vil alltid være den «beste» selgeren som vinner kunden.


Kundene forventer at du skal kunne produktene du selger. Vi hjelper deg!


Vårt salgsapparat er rundt i butikker over hele landet. La oss hjelpe deg utvikle butikken eller kjeden din.

Hva mer kan vi bidra med?
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